Monday, February 9, 2009

First Week

We're quite enjoying our stay in Tanzania, although the heat can be a challenge for Tony. Also, internet is quite limited, so this will be a short post. Some new experiences this week include riding our first tuk-tuk, walking around in downtown Dar es Salaam, lots of Tanzanian food, learning an incredible amount about Tanzanian culture and the Church in East Africa; plus, Tony has gotten to drive! On the left, of course! This can be challenging to a newcomer since traffic rules are sometime vague and right of way may at times be determined by chance. The official Kiswahili word for a round about here is "keepy-lefty" - there's quite a lot of British influence. In fact, since we don't have British or Australian accents, it is sometimes difficult for Tanzanians to understand our English. Our health and well-being continue to be good and we're very grateful for all our American, European, and Tanzanian teachers who will help us adjust to Tanzania. So long for now!


  1. Sounds like you are having a great time. What is the most usually thing you have eaten since being in Tanzania? Just curious.

  2. Did you see how I answered this in one of the last posts? :-) Thanks for commenting; it's nice to know that people enjoying reading.
